Thank you. I’ve been toying with the idea of writing an article titled “My Path to Freelance Success : Ignoring the ‘Experts' and Hard Work"
I’ve noticed many of the ‘how to get rich freelancing’ articles are written by folks whose wealth stems almost solely from writing about writing…and selling ‘classes’ on writing.
I’ve been writing most of my 50+ years and gaining acclaim from family, friends and strangers since before I could drive. Still, I only need to dig back half a year, sometimes less, to start grimacing at the ill formed crap that once made me proud.
Im 10 times the writer I was even 4 months ago. Even my stuff on here needs serious work. Powerful as some pieces may be they are woefully sloppy.
How did I gain this new appreciation for skill? First, getting my butt handed to me by editors while writing content for less than a penny a word and being broke enough to have to listen. Second, studying rare tomes like The Elements of Style.
It did not grow from $1000 classes, or 500 words of ‘expert’ advice, but from self study, ego shedding and simple hard work.
I have a ways to go but I have enough decent work now that I need (and can afford) to get a better keyboard. 😎
Be well,